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Prasada Yoga

During the summer of 2020, I worked with Prasada Yoga, a studio based out of North Hampton, NH, to rebrand their logo. The owner wanted to change the name from Prasada Yoga Center to simply Prasada Yoga, since at the time, all her classes were virtual and she no longer had a “center.” She also wanted something more modern looking and streamlined.


After reviewing her vision board, I went with a minimalistic approach to the design. The owner liked simple line elements so I decided to go with two complementary fonts divided by a single line. After playing around with a few variations, I chose Josefin Sans, one of my favorite minimalist typefaces, in all caps for the word “Prasada,” and adjusted the kerning so it was a bit more spaced out. I paired this with Bell MT Italics for the word “yoga” to give the design some curves so it wasn’t completely straight lines throughout. To balance the all caps of “Prasada," I wrote “yoga” out in all lower case. Keeping with the minimalist approach, I chose to keep the logo in simple black and white.


The design was very well received. Prasada Yoga has since reopened at a new location, and the new logo works perfectly with the redesigned space.

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